Two commodities have been identified by WINFRESH the main marketing agency here for bananas to the extra- regional market, to support the diversification thrust of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The announcement was made by Minister of Agriculture, Saboto Caesar during a News Conference on Thursday.
Minister Caesar said WINFRESH has shown a keen interest in Ginger and a special variety of sweet potatoes. He said a special unit will be established in the Ministry of Agriculture to address the issue of the “ramping up of production” for this particular export market.
Minister Caesar also noted that fluctuating prices on the Trinidad market have created some instability for stakeholders.
Mr. Caesar said it is important that other markets are available so that when there is a fall in prices on the Trinidad Market, this country’s agriculture sector has something to fall back on to provide an even platform.
Minister Caesar said the Ministry of Agriculture is taking steps to seek extra- regional markets for local produce, particularly in Germany, France and the UK.