MISS LOIS (LOUISE) EUNICE TROTMAN better known as LOUISE TROTMAN of Stubbs died on Friday 5tyh June at the age of 104. The funeral takes place on Sunday 14th June at the Stubbs Seventh Day Adventist Church. The body lies at the church from 1:00 pm. The service begins at 2:00 pm. Burial will be at the St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Stubbs.
MISS TOTSIE MARCIA SHALLOW RODGERS of Toronto, Canada formerly of Diamond Village died on Tuesday 26th May at the age of 50.
The funeral takes place on Saturday 13th June at the Scott Chapel and the Burial will be at the Glendale Cemetery in Canada.
MR HERMAN COLVILLE SHALLOW better known as KING of Mt. Pleasant and Orange Hill died on Thursday 28th May at the age of 59. The funeral takes place on Saturday 13th June at the Overland Cemetery at 3:00 pm. Burial will be at the Overland Cemetery.
MISS ADELLA JAMES better known as A-DAH of South Rivers died on Wednesday 27th May at the age of 54. The funeral takes place on Saturday 13th June at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, South Rivers. The body lies at the church from 1:30pm. The service begins at 2:30pm. Burial will be at the South Rivers Cemetery.
MR SAMUEL .F. THOMAS better known as GLEN JACKSON of USA formerly of Glenside and Mesopotamia died on Monday 1st June at the age of 76. The funeral takes place, tomorrow Tuesday 9th June at the Miracle Temple Ministries, New York at 5:00pm-7:00pm. Burial Service will be on Wednesday 10th June at the Ever Green Cemetery, New York at 9:00am.