MR VERNON STEPHENSON better known as PARPA of Park Hill formerly of St. Croix died on Sunday 23rd August at the age of 94. The funeral takes place on Monday 7th September at the Church of God at Valley Road in Park Hill. The body lies at the church from 2:00 pm. The service begins at 3:00 pm. Burial will be at the Park Hill Cemetery.
MRS VINCENCIA WINNIFRED SHOY of Rose Bank died on Sunday 16th August at the age of 68. The funeral takes place on Sunday 6th September at the Rose Bank Community Centre. The body lies at the Centre from 1:00 pm. The service begins at 2:00 pm. Burial will be at the Dark View Cemetery.
MR NORBERT EMMONS better known as PEPPER of Vermont died on Tuesday 25th August at the age of 89. The funeral takes place on Saturday 5th September at the Roman Catholic Church at Rillan Hill. The body lies at the church from 2:00 pm. The service begins at 3:00 pm. Burial will be at the Rillan Hill Cemetery.
MR AUGUSTUS JAMES better known as RODFORD and JAMESY of Dickson died on Saturday 22nd August at the age of 96. The funeral takes place on Wednesday 2nd September at the Brethren Church at Dickson. The service begins at 2:00 pm. Burial will be at the Georgetown Cemetery.
MRS YVONNE ELSIE BROWNE of Chili Village, Georgetown died on Sunday 23rd August at the age of 81. The funeral takes place on Thursday 3rd September at the Berean Baptist church, Mt Bentick Georgetown. The body lies at the church from 1:30. The service begins at 2:30. Burial will be at the Georgetown Cemetery.