MR GLENMORE ELMORE DAVIS better known as GUTTER RAT and GAZAR of Richland Park died on Friday 27th December at the age of 31. The funeral took place on Sunday 29th December at the Joyful Praise Tabernacle, Richland Park. The body lies at the church from 1:30 p.m. The service begins at 2:30. Burial will be at the Richland Park Cemetery.
MR JEOROMIE LEWIS of Greggs and the United Kingdom died on Thursday 5th December at the age of 33. The funeral takes place today, Monday 30th December at the St. Mary the Virgin Church at 9:00 a.m. Burial will be at the Ann’s Hill Cemetery Gosport Hamphire England.
MS JOSEPHINE WALKER AGAR better known as JOSE of Lowman’s Windward died on Sunday 22nd December at the age of 72. The funeral takes place on Saturday 4th January at the Deliverance Baptist Church. The body lies at the church from 1:00 p.m. The service begins at 2:00. Burial will be at the MacFun Cemetery.
MR. LINCOLN LEONARD JACKSON of Rivulet, Enhams formerly of Barroullie died on Thursday 26th December at the age of 92. The funeral takes place on Saturday 4th January at the Brighton Methodist Church. The body will lie at the church for viewing at 2pm. The service begins at 3:00. Burial will be at the Brighton Cemetery.
MR LAWRENCE SAMUEL BULLOCK also known as PAPA of Calder died on 17th December 2013 at the age of 89. The funeral takes place on 4th January at the Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church Argyle. The body lies at the church from 1, the service begins at 1:30. Burial will be at the St Joseph’s Cemetery.
MRS ALBERTINA CATO also known ALMA CATO and MAMA of Fairbain Pasture died on Thursday December 26th at the age of 83. The funeral takes place at the Belair New Testament Church of God on Saturday January 4th. The body will lie at the church from 1.00 p.m. and the funeral service takes place at 2.00 p.m. Burial will be at the Belmont cemetery.
MS ISA HAYWOOD better known as SISTER ISA of Troumaca died on Thursday 26th December at the age of 76. The funeral takes place on Sunday 12th January at the Troumaca Evangelical church. The body lies at the church from Noon. The service begins at 1:00. Burial will be at the Troumaca Cemetery.
MR JULIAN BROOKER of Cane Hall died on Saturday 21st December at the age of 59. The funeral takes place on Saturday 4th January at the Dorsetshire Hill Evangelical church. The body lies at the church from 1:00. The service begins at 2:00. Burial will be at the Dorsetshire Hill Cemetery.
MR HORACE DESMOND ROBERT WILSON better known as STIFFY of Francois Village, Vermont died on Wednesday 25th December at the age of 43. The funeral takes place on Sunday 5th January at the Vermont Seventh Day Adventist church. The body lies at the church from 2:00. The service begins at 3:00. Burial will be at the Penniston Cemetery.