MRS GWENETH MARTHA CABRAL nee FINDLAY of Cane Garden died on Tuesday 28th January at the age of 84. The funeral takes place on Friday 14th February at the Kingstown Gospel Hall. The body lies at the church from 1:30. The service begins at 2:30. Burial will be at the Kingstown Cemetery.
MS MATILDA PEARLINA ASHTON better known as CUMSIE of Clare Valley died on Sunday 2nd February at the age of 86. The funeral takes place tomorrow, Saturday 8th February at the St. James Spiritual Baptist Church, Clare Valley. The body lies at the church from 1:00 p.m. The service begins at 2:30 p.m. Burial will be at the Chauncey Cemetery.
My condolences to the Family of Mrs Gwenneth Cabral
My condolences to the families. Please rest assure that there is going to be a resurrection in the near future for all who have lost their love ones in death. It is a promise from the creator of Life Jehovah God. Revelations 21: 3, 4 says that Death, outcry, pain and mourning will be no more. Jesus says in John 5: 28,29 that the hour will come when all those in the memorial tomb will hear his voice and come out.