Officials from the Caribbean Community CARICOM and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, OECS, will be involved in discussions here next week on the draft model legislation to deal with deficiencies in the legal and regulatory framework of the Single Market and Economy (CSME).
A release from the Regional Integration and Diaspora Unit RIDU, in the Prime Minister’s Office says the discussions will be held on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th May.
RIDU says through the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, Member States have agreed on binding commitments with regard to the free movement of goods and services, free movement of persons, free movement of capital and the right of establishment.
It says the CARICOM Secretariat has signed an agreement with the Canadian Government for the Trade and Competitiveness Project (CTCP) to work on specific development interventions to ensure the practical effectiveness of the CSME
Under the CTCP, the CARICOM secretariat, in collaboration with the OECS Commission will fulfill part of the mandate given by the Community to work with Member States to implement their CSME obligations.
The purpose of next week’s consultation in St. Vincent and the Grenadines is to comply with the decision to facilitate the operational effectiveness of the CSME to ensure that the rights and benefits expected by nationals of the Community are not frustrated by elements of the implementation process.
On Monday May 12, the team will meet with the relevant line ministries and on Tuesday May 13, Non state actors are invited to make their contribution to this consultative process.
Both meetings take place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Conference Room and are scheduled to begin at 9:00am each day.