Senior Officers of the local Police Force gathered here last week to strategize on the way forward for 2016, at a two-day Retreat, held at the at the Catholic Pastoral Centre at Edinboro.
The event was held under the theme: Empowering Senior Management with the necessary skills to engender a culture of innovative and strategic policing through effective leadership.
Among those addressing the opening was Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves.
The Prime Minister urged the Officers to familiarize themselves with the strengths, weaknesses, limitations and possibilities of their subordinates, and to always strive for excellence
He also admonished the senior officers not to let competitive politics interfere with the leadership of the organization.
The featured speaker at the opening ceremony was Retired Commissioner of the St. Lucia Police Force Vernon Francois.
He pointed out the difference between a Manager and a Leader, and he urged the Officers to lead from the front. He also advised them to advance themselves academically, engender professionalism, reward when necessary and not to be afraid to empower their subordinates.
The sessions covered a number of issues including Divisional Policing, Retirement and Succession Planning, Internal Discipline and Orderly Rooms and Strategic Planning in an Organization.