Vincentians and other persons living in St. Vincent and the Grenadines have been called upon to join the campaign to condemn all acts of violence.
During NBC’s Views on Issues Programme on Sunday, which looked at the topic “Tackling the Scourge of Domestic Abuse”, Polly Oliver, Director of Gender Affairs said violence against women is one of the most significant barriers to development.
Winfield Abbott-Tannis, Social Activist added that everyone has a role to play to eradicate the problem of Domestic Violence in the society.
Mr. Abbott- Tannis’ point was also reiterated by Reverend Adolph Davis, Methodist Minister here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Reverend Davis also stressed the need for persons to engage in mediation and dispute resolution to settle their differences, instead of resorting to violence.
Delivering a Sermon at the Calliaqua Methodist Church on Sunday, Reverend Davis said it is evident that some individuals are not equipped with the skills required to resolve disputes, but he said it is important that mechanisms for mediation and reconciliation be developed in order to resolve disputes.