A Participatory planning workshop is being held here this week on ecosystem-based adaptation and blue-green economic development in the South Coast of St. Vincent.
The workshop is being spearheaded by the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) and its taking place at the Sunset Shores Hotel Conference Room.
CANARI is partnering with the National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority, the Forestry Department, the Fisheries Division, the Hotel and Tourism Association and the National Fisherfolk Organization in implementing a three-year project entitled “Pioneering a blue-green economic development model for coastal adaptation, livelihoods and sustainability in St. Vincent”.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop, Executive Director of CANARI, Nicole Leotaud, stressed the need for a change in the management of the environment
Ms. Leotaud said that the project will adopt a landscape approach to address key risks from climate change.