Prime Minister Designate, Dr. Ralph E Gonsalves along with the Deputy Prime Minister Sir Louis Straker and the Attorney General Mr.s Judith Jones Morgan will today be sworn in at a ceremony at Government House scheduled to start at 1:30 pm.
Meanwhile, while today is a public holiday, Prime Minister Designate Dr. Ralph Gonsalves says he will soon informed vincentians about what exactly will happen tomorrow, Friday December 11th.
And the Unity Labour Party will later today host a celebratory rally on the Tarmac of the Argyle International Airport to commemorate its victory in the just concluded 2015 General Election.
Expected shortly is an official announcement about the exact time and other details of the rally.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Designate Dr. Ralph Gonsalves is urging supporters of the ULP to carry out their celebrations in a peaceful and respectable way.
Dr. Gonsalves says today’s rally is specifically geared towards celebrating the significant milestone achieved by the ULP in yesterday’s General Election.