The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Rural Transformation will host three workshop this month.
Ministry of Agriculture staff and other agencies will receive training on value chain analysis and upgrading in a workshop on Wednesday 25th.
The bottled coconut water workshop will take place at the NIS conference room on Thursday May 26, at the NIS conference Room, commencing at 8:30 am.
The composite flour workshop will take place on Tuesday 31st, also at the NIS conference room, commencing at 8:30 am.
The main facilitators for the workshop are: Consultants Andrew Jacqques and Tasheka Haynes and FAO Trade and Market Officer- Heiko Bammann.
The workshops main aim is to bring together stakeholders, including Farmers, input suppliers, coconut water bottlers, bakers, regional partners and government official to deliberate on the result of the value chain analysis which was conducted over the past six (6) weeks and to conclude on value chain upgrading strategies which will be undertaken for bottled coconut water and composite flour value chains over the next 12 months.
The workshops are part of the Technical Cooperation Project funded by the Food and Agricultural Organisation, titled, “Capacity building in support of the development of coconut water and composite flour value chains in St. Vincent and the Grenadine” which was launched in February, 2016.