Police Officer Hanif Johnson and Alison Samuel will be ordained as Deacons at the St. Georges Cathedral in Kingstown next week.
Hanif H R Johnson was born and grew up in Greggs Village and Alison Samuel has lived in Paul’s Avenue Kingstown in excess of 37 years
The Ordination Service takes place next Wednesday from 5pm.
Upon their Ordination on Wednesday, Deacon Johnson will return to Codrington College to complete his studies, while Deacon Samuel will serve throughout the archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The newly ordained Deacons will also assist the Bishop and priests in public worship and in the administration of God’s word and sacraments, and in carrying out other duties assigned to them from time to time.
The Ordination will be administered by Bishop of the Windward Islands, His Lordship The Right Reverend C. Leopold Friday.