The Coroner’s Inquest into the road traffic incident which occurred at Rock Gutter in January this year, ended yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates Court, with the Jury finding three persons responsible by Gross Negligence for causing the deaths of seven students.
The three are: Ehud Myers, a Pastor and Conductor of the Bus on the day of the accident, Ravanan Nanton the Driver and Calbert Bowens, one of the persons involved in the decision-making regarding the maintenance of the bus.
Charges are expected to be laid against the three persons.
Hearing in the Inquest opened on Monday October 5th and thirty witnesses presented evidence during the hearing, before Presiding Magistrate Ricky Burnette.
Seven students died during the incident, on January 12th, when the van in which they were travelling went over an embankment and into the sea.
The Inquest was held to determine if anyone should be held accountable for the deaths of the students.