A photo taken on July 11, 2022 depicting the start of NTRC's 2022 myApp Summer Program at the Union Island Secondary School. Photo: NTRC.
The eight annual summer coding and application development initiative by the National Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (NTRC) will kick off from July 17th in Bequia.
The three-week summer programme will be held at the Bequia Community High School from July 17th to the August 4th and the St. Vincent Grammar School from July 31st to August 18th from 9 am to 3 pm.
Participants between the ages of 13-18 years will be exposed to code using a pocket-sized computer or micro:bit, which will help participant gain knowledge in coding.
Application forms are available at the office of the NTRC and via the website www.ntrc.vc. Deadline for applications is Friday June 30, 2023. A limited number of applications will be accepted. Persons are asked to contact the NTRC in relation to the any fees associated with the program.