Evidence has shown that the Spiritual Baptists as a specific religious entity, first emerged in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
So says Historian Dr. Michael Dennie during last evening’s Round Table Talk program which featured the four Historians who are working on the National History Project here in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
The four Historians are: Dr. Adrian Fraser, Dr. Arnold Thomas, Dr. Michael Dennie and Dr. Cleve Scott.
According to Dr. Dennie, evidence from research conducted by Dr. Cleve Scott shows that the Spiritual Baptists as a specific religious entity, is one hundred percent Vincentian originated.
Meanwhile according to Dr. Cleve Scott, there is clear evidence which shows that in the early nineteenth century, while black people in St. Vincent and the Grenadines were attracted to the church, they began expressing themselves from an African perspective which included dances and their own words while worshiping.
Photo credit: VC3